Independent Chairman
Jaimé Manual
Jaimé serves as Aquawomen (Pty) Ltd Independent Chairman. Jaimé has extensive experience in general business and transaction advisory, specifically focused on the establishment and ongoing growth and development of emerging to medium-sized businesses in the food and agriculture value chain. Jaimé is a founding partner at Acudo Consulting and joined the board of AquaWomen (Pty) Ltd in 2017. His educational backround consists of B.BusSci Finance with Accounting at University of Cape Town and M.Sc. Agricultural Economics at the University of Stellenbosch.

Chief financial officer
Enver Manchest
Enver joined Abagold Ltd on 1 January 2018.
Enver is a chartered accountant with 15 years’ experience in financial management. After qualifying as a pharmacist, he completed the accountant’s conversion course at UCT in 1998 and attained the post graduate diploma in accounting in 1999. Enver completed his articles with Ernst & Young in Cape Town, and in 2003, relocated to Johannesburg. He worked for Standard Bank Structured Finance Division, where the roles he fulfilled included finance manager and pricing manager with CIB. In 2008, he joined Eqstra fleet management and headed up the finance team for the “Rest of Africa” division, which managed operations in 8 African countries including Nigeria. He was part of a team that started a new venture for Eqstra, in mining equipment leasing, and was later promoted to divisional CFO. His most recent role was in the logistics industry as the CFO of Transit Freight Forwarding, a subsidiary of a Hong Kong listed entity.

General Manager
Jackie Stewart
Jackie started over 22 years ago at Abagold Ltd and joined Abagold Ltd in 1999 as a Technical Clerk and progressed within months as Data Capturer at our Sea View Farm. His educational backround consists of a Master Diploma in Computer Literacy & Technical Development which he completed at Prestige college in 1998, Aquaculture Production Management course which he completed at Stellenbosch University in 2006, Leadership Development Program at Stellenbosch University Business School in 2012 and also a short online course in Operations Management in 2019.
After the business started doing well and the teams started growing, he became the Data and Export Administrator that deals with all Data pertaining to our operational Farms. Shortly thereafter he discovered his passion for the Production side of the business, became the Assistant Farm Manager and eventually was promoted to the farm manager of Sulamanzi.
In 2016, he was honoured by the Promotion of General Manager of all Operations Departments that consists of Sea View, Bergsig and Sulamanzi with over 180 employees across these departments.

Human Resources Manager
Varsti Carla-Coert
Her career with Abagold Ltd started a bit over 10 Years ago, she was initially appointed as the first Intern at Abagold Ltd coming straight out of college where she obtained her Diploma in Business Management, and held the position of Wage Administration Clerk.
Post her internship she was appointed as the Human Resources Officer and through Abagold’s Individual Development Plan initiative, she was able to further her studies within Human Resources Management & Sage VIP Payroll through Unisa and UCT.
The business culture at Abagold Ltd consists of grooming, internal development, and growth! And employees can attest to it. After a few years, she got promoted to Human Resources Manager.
Our employees
Meet the team
At Aquawomen (Pty) Ltd we make sure our employees are happy and feel comfortable in our environment. We believe that employees should be able to express themselves.